Source code for fs.mode

"""Abstract I/O mode container.

Mode strings are used in in `` and


from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals

import typing

import six

from ._typing import Text

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import FrozenSet, Set, Union

__all__ = ["Mode", "check_readable", "check_writable", "validate_openbin_mode"]

[docs]@six.python_2_unicode_compatible class Mode(typing.Container[Text]): """An abstraction for I/O modes. A mode object provides properties that can be used to interrogate the `mode strings <>`_ used when opening files. Example: >>> mode = Mode('rb') >>> mode.reading True >>> mode.writing False >>> mode.binary True >>> mode.text False """
[docs] def __init__(self, mode): # type: (Text) -> None """Create a new `Mode` instance. Arguments: mode (str): A *mode* string, as used by ``. Raises: ValueError: If the mode string is invalid. """ self._mode = mode self.validate()
def __repr__(self): # type: () -> Text return "Mode({!r})".format(self._mode) def __str__(self): # type: () -> Text return self._mode
[docs] def __contains__(self, character): # type: (object) -> bool """Check if a mode contains a given character.""" assert isinstance(character, Text) return character in self._mode
[docs] def to_platform(self): # type: () -> Text """Get a mode string for the current platform. Currently, this just removes the 'x' on PY2 because PY2 doesn't support exclusive mode. """ return self._mode.replace("x", "w") if six.PY2 else self._mode
[docs] def to_platform_bin(self): # type: () -> Text """Get a *binary* mode string for the current platform. This removes the 't' and adds a 'b' if needed. """ _mode = self.to_platform().replace("t", "") return _mode if "b" in _mode else _mode + "b"
[docs] def validate(self, _valid_chars=frozenset("rwxtab+")): # type: (Union[Set[Text], FrozenSet[Text]]) -> None """Validate the mode string. Raises: ValueError: if the mode contains invalid chars. """ mode = self._mode if not mode: raise ValueError("mode must not be empty") if not _valid_chars.issuperset(mode): raise ValueError("mode '{}' contains invalid characters".format(mode)) if mode[0] not in "rwxa": raise ValueError("mode must start with 'r', 'w', 'x', or 'a'") if "t" in mode and "b" in mode: raise ValueError("mode can't be binary ('b') and text ('t')")
[docs] def validate_bin(self): # type: () -> None """Validate a mode for opening a binary file. Raises: ValueError: if the mode contains invalid chars. """ self.validate() if "t" in self: raise ValueError("mode must be binary")
@property def create(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode would create a file.""" return "a" in self or "w" in self or "x" in self @property def reading(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode permits reading.""" return "r" in self or "+" in self @property def writing(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode permits writing.""" return "w" in self or "a" in self or "+" in self or "x" in self @property def appending(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode permits appending.""" return "a" in self @property def updating(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode permits both reading and writing.""" return "+" in self @property def truncate(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode would truncate an existing file.""" return "w" in self or "x" in self @property def exclusive(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if the mode require exclusive creation.""" return "x" in self @property def binary(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if a mode specifies binary.""" return "b" in self @property def text(self): # type: () -> bool """`bool`: `True` if a mode specifies text.""" return "t" in self or "b" not in self
[docs]def check_readable(mode): # type: (Text) -> bool """Check a mode string allows reading. Arguments: mode (str): A mode string, e.g. ``"rt"`` Returns: bool: `True` if the mode allows reading. """ return Mode(mode).reading
[docs]def check_writable(mode): # type: (Text) -> bool """Check a mode string allows writing. Arguments: mode (str): A mode string, e.g. ``"wt"`` Returns: bool: `True` if the mode allows writing. """ return Mode(mode).writing
def validate_open_mode(mode): # type: (Text) -> None """Check ``mode`` parameter of `` is valid. Arguments: mode (str): Mode parameter. Raises: `ValueError` if mode is not valid. """ Mode(mode)
[docs]def validate_openbin_mode(mode, _valid_chars=frozenset("rwxab+")): # type: (Text, Union[Set[Text], FrozenSet[Text]]) -> None """Check ``mode`` parameter of `~fs.base.FS.openbin` is valid. Arguments: mode (str): Mode parameter. Raises: `ValueError` if mode is not valid. """ if "t" in mode: raise ValueError("text mode not valid in openbin") if not mode: raise ValueError("mode must not be empty") if mode[0] not in "rwxa": raise ValueError("mode must start with 'r', 'w', 'a' or 'x'") if not _valid_chars.issuperset(mode): raise ValueError("mode '{}' contains invalid characters".format(mode))